Hidden information? / Orffyreus name conversion

Orffyreus name conversion

Orffyreus was born Elias Bessler. Around the time he invented his perpetual motion machine he changed his name to Johann Ernst Elias Orffyreus. This in itself should be enough to start looking for coinciding information.
It is widely known that the name Bessler was encoded to Orffyre using a "alphabet wheel" substituting each letter with the one across the "wheel". This method is called "Caesar cipher" and is an old encryption method.
B --> O
E --> R
S --> F
S --> F
L --> Y
E --> R
R --> E
Why would he do this? Why would he change his name from Elias Bessler to: Johann Ernst Elias Orffyre'  He was often just called Orffyreus (a latinized version of Orffyre') I did find a plausible reason for him to be doing this. It is well documented in my forthcomming book.
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